2023. Jún. 28. - 2023. Jún. 30.
University of Graz
International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 16
The International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian is a meeting organized biannually for linguists working on or having an interest in any linguistically relevant synchronic or diachronic aspect of the Hungarian language, approached from theoretical and empirical perspectives.

The 16th ICSH conference will be hosted by Graz University on 28-29 June 2023 at the University of Graz. ICSH 16 will be accompanied by a special Workshop on Finiteness, Clause Types, and Cartography (FCTC2023), to be hosted at the same venue on 30 June.
Deadline for submission of abstracts to the main session: 15 February 2023
Notification of acceptance: by 15 March 2023