Borise Lena
korábbi tudományos munkatárs
Borise Lena•Publikációk
Borise Lena
Szűrők beállítása
21 találat
21 találat
21 találat
Georgieva, Ekaterina, and Lena Borise. 2023. The role of Lowering and non-cyclic heads in Udmurt stress placement. In: Suet-Ying Lam, Satoru Ozaki (szerk.) NELS 53: Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society Vol. 1.. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 105–118.
Borise, Lena, and David Erschler. 2022. Mora count and the alignment of rising pitch accents in Iron Ossetic. In: Frota Sónia, Cruz Marisa, Vigário Marina (szerk.) Proceedings 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Baixas: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 871–875. https://doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-177.
Borise, Lena, Irina Burukina, and Éva Dékány (eds.). 2022. Acta Linguistica Academica: Volume 69 (2022), Issue 1 (March 2022)
Lena, Borise, and Erschler David. 2021. Verb height indeed determines prosodic phrasing: evidence from Iron Ossetic.
Lena, Borise, Burukina Irina, and Dékány Éva (eds.). 2021. Acta Linguistica Academica: Volume 68 (2021) Issue 4 (Dec 2021): Papers from the 13th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis, vol. 1
Borise, Lena, and Ekaterina Georgieva. 2020. Stress and phrasal prosody in Udmurt: initial results. In: Gocsál Ákos, Gósy Mária, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Gyarmathy Dorottya, Horváth Viktória, Huszár Anna, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research Conference. Hungarian Research Institute for Linguistics. Budapest, 14-15th December 2020 = Beszédkutatás konferencia. Nyelvtudományi Intézet. Budapest, 2020. december 14-15.. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet. 22–23.
Lena, Borise, and Polinsky Maria. 2018. Focus without movement: syntax-prosody interface in Georgian.
Borise, Lena. 2017. Prosody of Focus in a Language with a Fixed Focus Position: Evidence from Georgian. In: Kaplan Aaron, Kaplan Abby, McCarvel Miranda K., Rubin Edward (szerk.) WCCFL 34: Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville (MA): Cascadilla Proceedings. 89–96.
Lena, Borise. 2017. Prominence Redistribution in the Aŭciuki Dialect of Belarusian.
Lena, Borise. 2016. Sluicing in Tagalog: Strategies and Implications.
Lena, Borise. 2015. Tagalog sluicing revisited.
Lena, Borise. 2015. The role of the Finnic substratum in the loss of the neuter gender in the Baltic languages. HARVARD WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 13: 1–23.
Borise Lena•Életrajz
Borise Lena
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