The special issue of Acta Linguistica Academica dedicated to the memory of László Kálmán has been published

The special issue of Acta Linguistica Academica dedicated to the memory of László Kálmán has been published and is available online.
Papers in the special issue, covering a variety of fields, were all written by Kálmán’s former colleagues and students.
Editor’s Foreword
András Cser
Pages: 1
Variation in the 1sg.indef: More than you wanted to know
Péter Rácz and Ágnes Lukács
Pages: 2–17
Strange a construction: The “A egy N” in Hungarian
László Fejes, Cecília Sarolta Molnár, and Bálint Sass
Pages: 18–66
A rudimentary analogy-based model of how syntactic constructions emerge from linguistic experience
Mátyás Lagos
Pages: 67–86
Lifelong (mind) representationalism in dynamic semantics
Gábor Alberti and Judit Kleiber
Pages: 87–116
Definite, indefinite, and kind interpretations from a cross-linguistic perspective
Márta Maleczki
Pages: 117–136
No lowering, only paradigms: A paradigm-based account of linking vowels in Hungarian
Péter Rebrus, Péter Szigetvári, and Miklós Törkenczy
Pages: 137–170
Narrowing or in Kálmán’s writingsInvestigating the usage of vagy ‘or’ in Hungarian
Anita Viszket, Eszter Kárpáti, and Judit Kleiber
Pages: 171–189
A chapter from the history of labial harmony in Hungarian: A curious case of alternation and variability
András Cser, Beatrix Oszkó, and Zsuzsa Várnai
Pages: 190–201
Hungarian auxiliaries revisited
Ágnes Kalivoda and Gábor Prószéky
Pages: 202–218
The current state and main problems of Hungarian native language education
István Jánk
Pages: 219–234
Dyadic negation in natural language
András Kornai
Pages: 235–257