former junior research fellow
Andrea BALÁZS•Publications
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17 results
Balázs, Andrea, Krisztina Lakatos, Veronika Harmati-Pap, Ildikó Tóth, and Bence Kas. 2025. Corrigendum: The influence of temperament and perinatal factors on language development: a longitudinal study (Frontiers in Psychology, (2024), 15, (1375353), 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1375353). FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 15 Paper: 1540286. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1540286.
Harmati-Pap, Veronika, Andrea Balázs, Krisztina Lakatos, Ildikó Tóth, Noémi Vadász, and Bence Kas. 2024. Patterns of Maternal Infant Directed Speech related to Infants' Sex, Temperament and Language Skills. In: BCCCD 2024. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development: Program and Abstracts. Budapest: Central European University (CEU). 1.
Balázs, Andrea, Bence Kas, Ildikó Tóth, and Krisztina Lakatos. 2023. Early language development is related to infant temperament, gender and gestational age. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka (szerk.) SpeakVar Workshop: A workshop on intraspeaker and interspeaker variability: Book of abstracts. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 13–14.
Szerafin, Agnes Kata, Tamas Kaldi, Andrea Balazs, Anna Babarczy, Ildiko Toth, and Bence Kas. 2020. Within - category object recognition may be associated with expressive vocabulary at 18 months. In: s. n. (szerk.) BCCCD 2020 (Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development): Program and Abstracts. 192. Paper: PC-041.
Balázs, Andrea, Anna Babarczy, and Viktória Csink. 2016. The interpretation of Hungarian preverbal focus sentences by children and its correlation with the maturation of understanding others epistemic states. In: BCCCD 2016: Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. 204.
Balázs Andrea. 2010. Kettős reprezentáció. VILÁGOSSÁG 51: 163–169.