research professor
Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics
Research area: the syntax of predication, argument structure, and argument-structure alternations<br />
+36 (1) 3429372 / 6075
+36 (1) 3429372 / 6075
Marcel DEN DIKKEN•About
Research areas and themes
Main area:
the syntax of predication, argument structure, and argument-structure alternations
Other themes:
- clausal subordination and prolepsis
- ellipsis phenomena and their syntactic diagnosticity
- functional hierarchitecture and its roots
- the syntax of agreement (with special emphasis on copular sentences)
- the morphosyntax of the complex noun phrase
- the relationship between morphology and syntax
- the relationship between phonology and syntax
Research projects beyond 2022
- completion of international research collaboration on the typology of clausal prolepsis, funded by the CELSA programme (the alliance of 8 European universities in Budapest, Leuven, Ljubljana, Prague and Tartu), with Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (University of Leuven), Nikos Angelopoulos (University of Leuven) and Krisztina Szécsényi (ELTE)
- completion of the international research mobility project ‘An investigation of grammatical restrictions on secondary predication’/‘A másodlagos predikátumok nyelvtani megszorításainak viszgálata’, funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, with Éva Dékány (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics), Masashi Kawashima (University of Tokyo), Hideki Kishimoto (University of Kobe) and Kazushige Moriyama (University of Kobe)
- completion of joint research on the syntax of Russian copular constructions with éto and topicalisation constructions with to, with Lena Borise (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics) and Irina Burukina (HRCL & ELTE); results presented at international conferences and to be published in journals/proceedings [not externally funded]
- completion of research on voice (non-)parallelism under ellipsis; results presented at the Dongguk Occasional Workshop on Mismatches in Ellipsis, and expected to be turned into an international publication in 2022 or 2023 [not externally funded]
- completion of research on the interaction of transitivity and unaccusativity in the syntax of Dutch; results presented at the 35th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (2021) and to be prepared for publication in 2022 or 2023 [not externally funded]
- completion of research on an integrated morphosyntax of Hungarian anaphoric-possessive -é, multiplicative-plural -k and associative-plural -ék; results presented at the 15th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (2021) and to be prepared for publication in 2023 [not externally funded]
- completion of joint research on the morphosyntax of Hungarian sociative -stul and dissociative -talanul, with Éva Dékány (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics); initial results presented at the 15th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (2021) and to be prepared for publication in 2023 [not externally funded]
- completion of joint research on the functional architecture of prepositional and postpositional phrases, with Éva Dékány (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics); for publication in The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax (ed. by Sjef Barbiers, Norbert Corver and Maria Polinsky), publication expected in 2024
- continuation of joint research on ezafe constructions in Persian and Kurdish, funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, with Arsalan Kahnemuyipour (University of Toronto Missisauga) and Songül Gündoğdu (University of Toronto); initial results presented at the 2021 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association [expected to be concluded in 2023 or 2024, depending on whether an extension of the project (due to Covid-19 restrictions) will be granted]
- continuation of research on the syntax of argument structure and argument-structure alternations, and the structural representation of the Theme-of relation [ongoing, long-term project, not externally funded; no conclusion date foreseen]
- continuation of research on agreement patterns in copular sentences [ongoing, long-term project, not externally funded; no conclusion date foreseen]
- continuation of research on an integrated representational approach to phonology and syntax, partially in collaboration with Harry van der Hulst (University of Connecticut) [ongoing, long-term project, not externally funded; no conclusion date foreseen]
- continuation of research on a non-cartographic approach to the syntax of topic, focus, and contrast, partially in collaboration with PhD student Yue Xing (ELTE) and colleagues at Beijing Language and Culture University [ongoing, long-term project, not externally funded; no conclusion date foreseen]
- supervision of PhD student Yue Xing (ELTE) [expected to be completed in 2024; PhD research funded by the Stipendium Hungaricum programme]
- participation (as an advisor) in the Élvonal project led by Katalin É. Kiss [externally funded by the NKFIH; expected to be concluded in 2023 or 2024]
- co-organisation of a three-day international workshop on maximalization strategies in the event domain (with John Beavers, Hagit Borer, Hana Filip, Hideki Kishimoto, Beth Levin, Jonathan MacDonald, Gabriel Martínez Vera, Christopher Piñón and Gillian Ramchand as invited speakers), under the auspices of a Mecenatúra grant from the NKFIH awarded to Éva Kardos (main organiser; University of Debrecen); to be held at the University of Debrecen, 17–19 April 2023
- new textbook on syntax for undergraduate students of the School of English and American Studies at ELTE; joint work with colleagues at the Department of English Linguistics [expected to be funded in part by ELTE]
Marcel DEN DIKKEN•Publications
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181 results
181 results
181 results
den Dikken, Marcel. 2025. On the subject of subject-oriented adverbials. In: Hideki Kishimoto, Masashi Kawashima, Zicheng Xu (szerk.) Papers from the International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification 2024. Kobe: Kobe University. 21–35.
Yue, Xing, and den Dikken Marcel. 2025. When Simpson’s Law, themehood, and causation meet: The case of Mandarin resultatives. ACTA LINGUISTICA ACADEMICA.
Xing, Yue, and Marcel den Dikken. 2024. Ā-dependencies in conditionals: The view from Mandarin. EVEN YEARBOOK : A COLLECTION OF PAPERS BY MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 16: 3.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Éva Dékány. 2023. Silent nouns in the syntax of personal proper names in reference to works of art. In: Suet-Ying Lam, Satoru Ozaki (szerk.) NELS 53: Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society Vol. 1.. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 191–204.
Masashi, Kawashima, Marcel den Dikken, Kishimoto Hideki, and Éva Dékány. 2023. On the proper forms of the predicate for Pedagogical English Grammar: A preliminary study, theoretical and historical. Journal of the Japan Society of Directories 日本情報ディレクトリ学会誌 21, 1: 48–57. https://doi.org/10.50987/jsod.21.1_48.
Dikken, Marcel den. 2022. Low and multiple definiteness in the history of Romanian: The role of predication. In: Alboiu Gabriela, Isak Daniela, Nicolae Alexandru, Tănase-Dogaru Mihaela, Tigău Alina (szerk.) A Life in Linguistics. A Festschrift for Alexandra Cornilescu on her 75th Birthday. Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti. 161–172.
Marcel, den Dikken, and Xing Yue. 2020. Â-dependencies in conditionals: The view from Mandarin
den Dikken, Marcel. 2018. An Integrated Perspective on Hungarian Nominal and Verbal Inflection. In: Bartos Huba, Marcel den Dikken, Bánréti Zoltán, Váradi Tamás (szerk.) Boundaries Crossed, at the Interfaces of Morphosyntax, Phonology, Pragmatics and Semantics. Cham: Springer Netherlands. 147–162. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90710-9_10.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2015. On the morphosyntax of (in)alienably possessed noun phrases: The Hungarian contribution. In: É. Kiss Katalin, Surányi Balázs, Dékány Éva (szerk.) Approaches to Hungarian 14.: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba Conference. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 121–145. https://doi.org/10.1075/atoh.14.05dik.
Christina, Tortora, den Dikken Marcel, Montoya Ignacio, and O'Neill Teresa (eds.). 2014. Proceedings of the 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2012. Ditransitieven en het nut van hiërarchische structuur en derivatie. NEDERLANDSE TAALKUNDE 17: 362–379.
Mariana, Resenes, and Den Dikken Marcel. 2012. Semi-clefts as a window on the syntax of predication and the ‘object of’ relation. In: Andrea Beltrama, Tasos Chatzikonstantinou, Jackson L Lee, Mike Pham, Diane Rak (szerk.) Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 519–534.
Timothy, Colleman, and den Dikken Marcel. 2012. Constructie- en generatieve grammatica in discussie. NEDERLANDSE TAALKUNDE 17: 380–402.
den Dikken, Marcel (ed.). 2011. Phi-feature inflection and agreement
den Dikken, Marcel, and Ji Young Shim. 2011. Feature inheritance and EPP. MIT WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 62: 48–63.
William, McClure, and den Dikken Marcel (eds.). 2011. Proceedings of the 18th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2010. De linkerperiferie antwoordt — Een reactie op het artikel van Barbiers, Koeneman & Lekakou. NEDERLANDSE TAALKUNDE 15, 3: 308–311.
Alexandra, Ioannidou, and den Dikken Marcel. 2009. P-drop, D-drop, D-spread. MIT WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 57: 393–408.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2009. Arguments for successive-cyclic movement through SpecCP: A critical review. In: Jeroen Van Craenenbroeck, Johan Rooryck (szerk.) Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2009. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 89–126.
Ji, Young Shim, and den Dikken Marcel. 2008. The tense of resultatives: The case of Korean. In: Anisa Schardl, Martin Walkow, Muhammad Abdurrahman (szerk.) NELS 38: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Vol. 2. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 337–350.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2006. Parasitism, secondary triggering, and depth of embedding. In: Raffaella Zanuttinia, Héctor Campos, Elena Herburger, Paul Portner (szerk.) Cross-linguistic research in syntax and semantics: Negation, tense, and clausal architecture. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press. 151–174.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Pornsiri Singhapreecha. 2004. Complex noun phrases and linkers. SYNTAX 7, 1: 1–54.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2003. Lexical integrity, checking and the mirror: A checking approach to syntactic word formation. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE GERMANIC LINGUISTICS 6: 169–225.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2003. On the morphosyntax of wh-movement. In: Cecric Boeckx, Klemanthes Grohman (szerk.) Multiple wh-fronting. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 77–98.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2003. The structure of the noun phrase in Rotuman. München: Lincom Europa.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2002. Direct and parasitic polarity item licensing. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE GERMANIC LINGUISTICS 5: 35–66.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2002. Review of Particle Verbs and Local Domains by Jochen Zeller. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE GERMANIC LINGUISTICS 4, 2: 145–169.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Anastasia Giannakidou. 2001. What the hell?. In: Minjoo Kim, Uri Strauss (szerk.) NELS 31: Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 31. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 162–183.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Pornsiri Singhapreecha. 2001. Thîi for two:: The two flavors of Thai thîi. In: Somsonge Burusphat (szerk.) Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Tempe (AZ): Arizona State University. 215–231.
Zvolenszky, Zsófia, den Dikken Marcel, and Anikó Lipták. 2001. On Inclusive Reference Anaphora: New Perspectives from Hungarian. In: Karine Megerdoomian, Leora Anne Bar-el (szerk.) WCCFL 20: Proceedings of the 20th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville (MA): Cascadilla Press. 137–149.
den Dikken, Marcel. 2000. Review of La grammaire de la possession. LINGUA 110: 937–947.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1999. On the structural representation of possession and agreement: The case of (anti-)agreement in Hungarian possessed nominal phrases. In: Kenesei István (szerk.) Crossing Boundaries: Theoretical Advances in Central and Eastern European Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 137–178.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1999. Speaker–oriented particles in Dutch imperatives. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 4, 2: 23–24.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1999. Syntax understood.: Review of Understanding Syntax, by Maggie Tallerman. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 4, 4: 23–24.
Szabolcsi, A, and den Dikken M. 1999. Islands. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 4: 3–9.
den Dikken, Marcel, André Meinunger, and Chris Wilder. 1998. Pseudoclefts and ellipsis. ZAS PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 10: 21–70.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1998. Appraising The raising of predicates. Review article of The raising of predicates. Predicative noun phrases and the theory of clause structure by Andrea Moro (Cambridge University Press, 1997). LINGUISTISCHE BERICHTE 174: 246–263.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1998. Predicate Inversion in DP. In: Artemis Alexiadou, Chris Wilder (szerk.) Possessives, predicates and movement in the DP. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 177–214.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1998. The infinite economy of complementation, or: The return of the New England Linguistic Society: Review of The syntax of nonfinite complementation. An economy approach, by Željko Boškovic. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 3, 6: 18–21.
den Dikken, Marcel (ed.). 1997. The syntax of possession and the verb ‘have’
Crit, Cremers, and den Dikken Marcel (eds.). 1996. Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996
den Dikken, Marcel, and Jan-Wouter Zwart. 1996. Very exceptional case-marking. In: Höskuldur Thráinsson, Samuel D Epstein, Steve Peter (szerk.) Studies in comparative Germanic syntax, volume II. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 85–108.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1996. A matter of cause. Review of Verb incorporation and elementary predicates by Murat Kural. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 2, 6: 10–13.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1996. Minimalist Verb (Projection) Raising. In: Werner Abraham, Samuel David Epstein, Höskuldur Thráinsson, C Jan-Wouter Zwart (szerk.) Minimal ideas: Syntactic studies in the minimalist framework. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 67–96.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Kees Hengeveld (eds.). 1995. Linguistics in the Netherlands 1995
den Dikken, Marcel. 1995. Aspects of aspect. A review of Aspectual roles and the syntax–semantics interface by Carol Tenny. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 1, 1: 18–19.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1995. Extrapositie als intrapositie en Engelse tag-vragen. TABU: BULLETIN VOOR TAALWETENSCHAP 25, 3: 128–132.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1995. Functional heads and their movement.: A review of Dutch syntax. A minimalist approach by Jan-Wouter Zwart. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 1, 3: 11–13.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1995. Great expectations. A review of Thematic structure in syntax by Edwin Williams. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 1, 5: 13–14.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1995. The phonology of events. Review of A semantic and pragmatic model of lexical and grammatical aspect by Mari Broman Olsen. GLOT INTERNATIONAL: MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR LINGUISTS 1, 6: 9–11.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1995. Verb (Projection) Raising, scope, and uniform phrase structure. In: Jill Beckman (szerk.) Proceedings of NELS 25, Vol. I. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 95–110.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Eric Hoekstra. 1994. No cause for a small clause?: (Non-)arguments for the structure of resultatives. GRONINGER ARBEITEN ZUR GERMANISTISCHEN LINGUISTIK 37: 89–105.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1994. Auxiliaries and participles. In: Gonzàlez Mercè (szerk.) Proceedings of NELS 24. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 65–79.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1994. Minimalist Verb (Projection) Raising. GRONINGER ARBEITEN ZUR GERMANISTISCHEN LINGUISTIK 37: 71–88.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1994. Predicate inversion and minimality. LINGUISTICS IN THE NETHERLANDS 1994: 1–12.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Hans Broekhuis. 1993. Locality in minimalist syntax. HIL MANUSCRIPTS 1, 3: 1–15.
Hans, Broekhuis, and den Dikken Marcel. 1993. Chomsky's minimalistische programma. TABU: BULLETIN VOOR TAALWETENSCHAP 23: 219–252.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1992. Empty operator movement in Dutch imperatives. In: Dicky Gilbers, Sietze Looyenga (szerk.) Language and Cognition 2. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 51–64.
René, Mulder, and den Dikken Marcel. 1992. Tough parasitic gaps. In: Broderick Kimberly (szerk.) Proceedings of NELS 22. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 303–317.
Sjef, Barbiers, den Dikken Marcel, and Levelt Claartje (eds.). 1992. Proceedings of the Third Leiden Conference for Junior Linguists. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.
den Dikken, Marcel, and René Mulder. 1991. Double object scrambling. MIT WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 14: 67–82.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1991. Particles and the dative alternation. In: John van Lint, René Mulder, Rint Sybesma (szerk.) Proceedings of the Second Leiden Conference for Junior Linguists. Leiden: RU Leiden. 71–86.
Fritz, Beukema, and den Dikken Marcel (eds.). 1991. Heads. Special edition of The Linguistic Review
den Dikken, Marcel. 1989. Verb Projection Raising en de analyse van het IPP–effect. TABU: BULLETIN VOOR TAALWETENSCHAP 19: 59–75.
Frits, Beukema, and Marcel den Dikken. 1989. The position of the infinitival marker in the Germanic languages. In: Dany Jaspers, Pieter A M Seuren, Wim Klooster, Yvan Putseys (szerk.) Sentential complementation and the lexicon. Dordrecht: Foris Publications. 57–75.
den Dikken, Marcel, and Harry van der Hulst. 1988. Segmental hierarchitecture. In: van der Hulst Harry, Smith Norval (szerk.) Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Dordrecht: Foris Publications. 1–78.
Henny, Broekman, and den Dikken Marcel. 1988. The analysis of incorporation in Eskimo. LINGUISTICS IN THE NETHERLANDS 1998: 29–38.
den Dikken, Marcel. 1987. Secundaire predicatie en de analyse van small clauses. GLOT: LEIDS TAALKUNDIG BULLETIN 10: 1–28.
Marcel DEN DIKKEN•Education