research group leader, senior research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

I study formal semantics and pragmatics. My current work focuses on topics at the interfaces of semantics and pragmatics, including information structure, pragmatic markers, sentence types and speech acts. I also participate in projects investigating questions in syntax, prosody or psycholinguistics.


99 results
99 results
Gärtner, Hans-Martin, and Beáta Gyuris (eds.). 2020. Beste Kamali & Manfred Krifka: Focus and Contrastive Topic in Questions and Answers, with Particular Reference to Turkish. Theoretical Linguistics 46(1-2)
Gärtner, Hans-Martin, and Beáta Gyuris (eds.). 2012. Special issue on 'Pragmatic Markers in Hungarian'
Gyuris, B, and al. 13] [et. 2012. English Language. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 91: 1–177.
Mády, K, and B Gyuris. 2012. Low phrase-initial boundary tone in Hungarian exclamatives. In: Cole Jennifer, Schattuck-Hufnagel Stefanie (szerk.) Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology. 1–2.
Gyuris, B, V Haser, A Auer, B Botma, M Elenbaas, W Wurff, and al et. 2011. English Language. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 90: 1–154.
Gyuris, B, V Haser, A Auer, B Botma, M Elenbaas, and W Wurff. 2010. English Language. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 89: 1–168.
Gyuris, B. 2009. The interpretation of a contrast-marking particle. In: Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages. Collection of the Papers selected from the CIL 18. LSK. Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea. CD-ROM.
Gyuris, B. 2008. Reconsidering the narrow scope reading of contrastive topic. In: Shaer B, Cook P, Frey W, Maienborn C (szerk.) Dislocated elements in Discourse. Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic perspectives. London: Routledge. 284–311.
Keizer, E, M Albakry, De Weijer J Van, B Los, Der Wurff W Van, B Gyuris, J Colemanet al.. 2007. English Language. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 86, 1: 1–165.
Gyuris, B. 2006. English Language Semantics. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 85, 1: 41–51.
Gyuris, B. 2005. English Language - Semantics. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 84, 1: 50–60.
Gyuris, B. 2004. A new approach to the scope of contrastive topics. In: Shaer B, Werner F, Maienborn C (szerk.) Dislocated Elements Workshop proceedings. Berlin: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS). 133–156.
Gyuris, B. 2004. Ingredients of a semantic theory of contrastive topics. In: Meier C, Weisgerber M (szerk.) 8th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Semantik. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz. 123–136.
Gyuris, B. 2004. Two types of contrastive topics?. In: Steube A (szerk.) Information Structure. Berlin: De Gruyter. 75–96.
Gyuris, B. 2003. The Semantics of Contrastive Topics in Hungarian. PhD diss.
Gyuris, B. 2002. Contrastive topics in a possible-worlds semantics. In: Gábor Alberti, Kata Balogh, Paul Dekker (szerk.) Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language.. 73–81.
Gyuris, Baáta. 2002. English Language - Semantics. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 81: 58–69.
Gyuris B, Novák A. 2001. A topik és a kontrasztív topik. In: Kálmán L (szerk.) Magyar leíró nyelvtan. Mondattan I. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 24–53.
Gyuris, Beáta. 2001. English Language - Semantics. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 80, 4: 57–64.
Gyuris, B. 2000. On the scopal properties of Hungarian quantifiers in constrastive topic. In: Kusumoto K, Villalta E (szerk.) UMOP 23 : Issues in semantics. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 43–58.
Gyuris, Beáta. 2000. English language - semantics. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES 78: 67–72.
Gyuris, Beáta. 2000. The Interpretation of Adverbial Quantifiers in Contrastive Topic in Hungarian. In: Hirotani Masako, Coetzee Andries, Hall Nancy, Kim Ji-Yung (szerk.) NELS 30. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 259–274.
Gyuris, B. 1999. A pragmatic account of the distribution of Hungarian quantifiers in contrastive topic. In: Trón V (szerk.) Graduate Students' Third Linguistics Symposium. Budapest, june 5, 1998. In: Working Papers in the Theory of Grammar 6. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet. 97–106.
Gyuris, B. 1998. Subordinate clauses are not always restrictors. In: Docsymp 2: Graduate Students' Second Linguistics Symposium, Budapest, June 6, 1997: selected papers. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet. 127–138.
Gyuris, Beáta. 1998. The Analysis of Hungarian Adverbial Quantifiers in a Generalized Quantifier Framework. In: Cooper Robin, Gamkrelidze Thomas (szerk.) Proceedings of the Second Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation: dedicated to the 80th year of the founding of the Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University. 126–134.