Katalin MÁDY
research group leader, senior research fellow
Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics
Research areas: prosody of Hungarian, prosodic typology, stess and intonation structure in Tundra Nenets, prosodic manifestation of pragmatic contents, prosody and emotions in infant-directed speech, detection and classification in speech corpora. Laboratory phonology, sociophonetics, sound change.
Katalin MÁDY•Publications
Katalin MÁDY
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129 results
129 results
129 results
Huszár, Anna, Valéria Krepsz, and Katalin Mády. 2021. The relationship between boundary markers and audible inhalation in Hungarian read speech. In: 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. 106–107.
Mády, Katalin, Uwe D. Reichel, Anna Kohári, and Ádám Szalontai. 2021. The role of accommodation in expressing emotions to newborn babies. In: 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. 124–125.
White, Laurence, Silvia Benavides-Varela, Katalin Mády, and Sven Mattys. 2019. The primary importance of onsets: Timing and prediction in speech segmentation. In: 3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe PaPE. 75–76.
Mády K. 2013. A nyelvi attitűd jelentősége a hangváltozási folyamatok vizsgálatában. ÉDES ANYANYELVÜNK 35, 5: 17.
Mády, K, and B Gyuris. 2012. Low phrase-initial boundary tone in Hungarian exclamatives. In: Cole Jennifer, Schattuck-Hufnagel Stefanie (szerk.) Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology. 1–2.
Mády, K. 2012. Deaccentuation in Hungarian and its logical background. In: 6th Speech Prosody Conference. 1–4.
Mády, K. 2012. Implicit and explicit language attitude in a sound change process. In: 2nd Workshop on Sound Change. 87.
Bárkányi, Zs, and K Mády. 2011. Voicing contrast in Hungarian fricatives. In: Proceedings of the 19th Manchester Phonology Meeting. Paper: 5.
Mády, K. 2011. Does low informational weight require deaccentuation in Hungarian?. In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis. 2.
Beňuš, Š, and K Mády. 2010. Effects of lexical stress and speech rate on the quantity and quality of Slovak vowels. In: 5th Speech Prosody. Paper: 100185.
Mády, Katalin. 2010. Shortening of long high vowels in Hungarian: a perceptual loss?. In: Sociophonetics at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication. 41–44.
Maitz, Péter, and Katalin Mády. 2010. /t/ deletion in German braucht: auxiliarization process or phonetic necessity?. In: Experimental Approaches to the Perception and Production of Language Variation. 39–39.
Draxler, C, and K Mády. 2009. Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany. PHONETICIAN 99-100: 69–76.
Draxler, C, and K Mády. 2009. Munich speech processing tools. PHONETICIAN 99-100: 91–96.
Mády, K, L White, and T Dubeda. 2009. Vowel quantity distinction and temporal cues of accentuation: a comparative study of Czech and Hungarian. In: 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia Conference. Paper: 78.
White, L, and K Mády. 2008. The long and the short and the final: phonological vowel length and prosodic timing in Hungarian. In: 4th Speech Prosody Conference. 363–366.
White, Laurence, and Katalin Mády. 2008. Heads you lose: prosodic structure and timing in Hungarian. LABORATORY PHONOLOGY 11: 159–160.
Mády, K. 2007. Quantity and quality in Hungarian vowel perception. In: 3rd Conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia. 103–104.
Mády, K, K Tronka, and UD Reichel. 2006. Syllable cut and energy contour: a contrastive study of German and Hungarian. In: 3rd International Conference on Speech Prosody. 831–834.
Tronka, K, K Mády, and UD Reichel. 2006. A contrastive study of syllable cut in German and Hungarian: vowel length and energy. In: 3rd Old World Phonology Conference. 57–58.
Geng, C, K Mády, C Bogliotti, S Messaoud-Galusi, V Medina, and W Serniclaes. 2005. Do palatal consonants correspond to the fourth category in the perceptual F2-F3 space?. In: ISCA Workshop on Plasticity in Speech Perception. 219–222.
Mády, K, K Tronka, and UD Reichel. 2005. Syllable cut and energy contour in vowels: a comparative study on German and Hungarian. ZAS PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 42: 197–217.
Mády, K. 2004. Akustische, artikulatorische und perzeptive Parameter in der Konsonantenproduktion nach Zungenteilresektion. PhD diss.
Mády, Katalin, and Ambros Beer. 2004. A real-time MRI evaluation of consonant production after oral tumour surgery.. GRAZER LINGUISTISCHE STUDIEN 62: 77–94.
Foidl, P, and K Mády. 2003. Experimentelle Überprüfung der psycholinguistischen Relevanz von Konstituenten. JAHRBUCH DER UNGARISCHEN GERMANISTIK 2003: 157–180.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Beer, P Hoole, A Zimmermann, and C Hannig. 2003. Consonant articulation in glossectomee speech evaluated by dynamic MRI. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 3233–3236.
Mády, K, and A Beer. 2002. Untersuchung von Sprechleistung und Schluckvermögen vor und nach einer Zungenlösung bei Patienten mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. FORSCHUNGSBERICHTE INSTITUT FŰR PHONETIK UND SPRACHLICHE KOMMUNIKATION DER UNIVERSITäT MŰNCHEN 39: 11–16.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Zimmermann, P Hoole, A Beer, HF Zeilhofer, and C Hannig. 2002. Assessment of consonant articulation in glossectomee speech by dynamic MRI. In: Hansen John HL, Pellom Bryan (szerk.) 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2002: Conference proceedings ICSLP 2002. 961–964.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Zimmermann, P Hoole, A Beer, HF Zeilhofer, and C Hannig. 2002. Rolle der Sprechleistung für die Lebensqualität von Patienten mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. In: 31. dbl-Kongress. 38–39.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Zimmermann, P Hoole, A Beer, HF Zeilhofer, and C Hannig. 2001. Use of real-time MRI in assessment of consonant articulation before and after tongue surgery and tongue reconstruction. In: Proc. 4th International Speech Motor Conference. 142–145.
Katalin MÁDY•CV
Katalin MÁDY