Mihály BRÓDY

Mihály BRÓDY


research professor emeritus

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics





+36 (1) 3429372 / 6092





+36 (1) 3429372 / 6092

Mihály BRÓDY

36 results
36 results
Bródy M. 2009. Tökéletesség és elegancia a bionyelvészetben - megjegyzések. MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 170, 9: 1048–1051.
Bródy, M, and A Szabolcsi. 2003. Overt Scope in Hungarian. SYNTAX 6, 1: 19–52.
Bródy, M. 2003. Towards an Elegant Syntax. London: Taylor and Francis Group.
Bródy, M. 2002. Representation. Domination and distributed chains. In: Epstein SD, Seely D (szerk.) Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program. Malden (MA): Blackwell Publishing. 19–41.
Bródy, M, and A Szabolcsi. 2001. Overt scope. With and without movement. In: Cuervo MC, Harbour D, Hiraiwa K (szerk.) Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 3. (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 41.). Cambridge: MIT Press. 235–250.
Bródy, M. 2001. One More Time. SYNTAX 4, 2: 126–138.
Brody, M, and A Szabolcsi. 2000. Overt scope in Hungarian. New York University.
Bródy, M. 2000. On the status of derivations and representations. In: UCL Working Papers in Linguistics. Vol. 13. London: University College London (UCL). 343–346.
Bródy, M. 1999. Relating syntactic elements. SYNTAX 2, 3: 210–226.
Bródy, M. 1998. "Mirror Theory, a brief sketch". Cambridge: MIT Press.
Bródy, M. 1998. "Word Order, Restructuring and Mirror Theory". In: Svenonius P (szerk.) The Derivation of VO and OV. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 27–43.
Bródy, M. 1997. "Perfect Chains". In: Haegeman L (szerk.) Elements of Grammar. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 139–167.
Bródy, M. 1997. Mirror theory. In: Backley PH (szerk.) UCL working papers in Linguistics No. 9. London: University College London (UCL). 179–222.
Bródy, M. 1997. Towards perfect chains. In: Haegeman L (szerk.) Handbook of generative syntax. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 139–167.
Bródy, M. 1996. Projection and Phrase Structure. In: Working Papers in the Theory of Grammar Vol. 2. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet.
Bródy, M. 1995. Lexico-logical Form: A radically minimalist theory. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Bródy, M. 1994. Phrase structure and dependence.. University College London (UCL).
Bródy, M. 1992. Three theories of the organization of the grammar.. University College London (UCL).
Bródy, M. 1990. Some remarks on the focus field in Hungarian. In: Harris J (szerk.) UCL Working Papers in Linguistics II.. London: University College London (UCL). 201–225.