Tackling the Type-Mood-Force Nexus Venice-Style
9.00-9.15 Opening Remarks
9.15-10.15 Federica Cognola (Venice)(Zoom)
On the licensing of Modal particles in Italian and their interaction with Force, Focus and Polarity
10.15-11.15 Cecília Sarolta Molnár (Budapest)
“Interrogative operator” or bias marker? Nemde in Old and Middle Hungarian questions
11.15-11.45 Break
11.45-12.45 Nicola Munaro (Venice)
On the internal layering of the speech-event domain
12.45-14.15 Break
14.15-15.15 Hans-Martin Gärtner (Budapest)
On (Theories of) Mood Licensing in Conditionals
15.15-16.15 Roland Hinterhölzl (Venice)
Can we find common ground? Expressions of surprise and speech act types
16.15-16.45 Break
16.45-17.45 Beáta Gyuris (Budapest)
Polar questions initiating and pursuing strategies

Federica Cognola

Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics

Roland Hinterhölzl