Typological profiles of western Uralic languages in the light of the UraTyp and EstTyp datasets
My presentation introduces recent studies on the formation and areal typology of the western Uralic languages, exploring the differences between typological profiles of the northern and southern Finnic languages and comparing them to other Uralic language groups. This study is based on the new UraTyp dataset (see Norvik et al. 2022, https://uralic.clld.org/) and the recent EstTyp dataset which is an extension of UraTyp used for a thorough investigation of the southern Finnic languages. These datasets include both morphosyntactic and phonological features, altogether more than 350 features from more than 30 Uralic languages. After a general characterization of western Uralic typological profiles, my presentation focuses on the innovative word-prosodic features found in southernmost Finnic (cf. Pajusalu 2022).
Norvik, Miina, Yingqi Jing, Michael Dunn, Robert Forkel, Terhi Honkola, Gerson Klumpp, Richard Kowalik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu, Minerva Piha, Eva Saar, Sirkka Saarinen, Outi Vesakoski. 2022. Uralic Typology in the light of a new comprehensive dataset. – Journal of Uralic Linguistics 1: 4–42.
Pajusalu, Karl. 2022. Prosody. – The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Linguistics. Eds. Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Johanna Laakso, Elena Skribnik. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 868–878.