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Edited By Henk van Riemsdijk and István Kenesei
Comprehensive Grammar Resources
Founding series editors: Henk van Riemsdijk and István Kenesei
Current series editors: Hans Broekhuis, Norbert Corver and István Kenesei
With the rapid development of linguistic theory, the art of grammar writing has changed. Modern research on grammatical structures has tended to uncover many constructions, many in depth properties, many insights that are generally not found in the type of grammar books that are used in schools and in fields related to linguistics. The new factual and analytical body of knowledge that is being built up for many languages is, unfortunately, often buried in articles and books that concentrate on theoretical issues and are, therefore, not available in a systematized way.
The Comprehensive Grammar Resources (CGR) series intends to make up for this lacuna by publishing extensive grammars that are solidly based on recent theoretical and empirical advances. They intend to present the facts as completely as possible and in a way that will “speak” to modern linguists but will also and increasingly become a new type of grammatical resource for the semi- and nonspecialist. Such grammar works are, of necessity, quite voluminous. And compiling them is a huge task. Furthermore, no grammar can ever be complete. Instead new subdomains can always come under scientific scrutiny and lead to additional volumes. We therefore intend to build up these grammars incrementally, volume by volume.
In view of the encyclopaedic nature of grammars, and in view of the size of the works, adequate search facilities must be provided in the form of good indices and extensive cross-referencing. Furthermore, frequent updating of such resources is imperative. The best way to achieve these goals is by making the grammar resources available in electronic format on a dedicated platform. Following current trends, the works will therefore appear in dual mode: as open access objects freely perusable by anyone interested, and as hard copy volumes to cater to those who cherish holding a real book in their hands. The scientific quality of these grammar resources will be jointly guaranteed by the series editors Hans Broekhuis, Norbert Corver and István Kenesei and the publishing house Amsterdam University Press.
Syntax of Hungarian series
Series editor: István Kenesei
The Syntax of Hungarian aims to present a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of the Hungarian language, rooted in theory but providing highly detailed descriptions, and intended to be of use to researchers as well as advanced students of language and linguistics. As research in language leads to extensive changes in our understanding and representations of grammar, the Comprehensive Grammar Resources series intends to present the most current understanding of grammar and syntax as completely as possible in a way that will both speak to modern linguists and serve as a resource for the non-specialist.
The Syntax of Hungarian includes the following volumes, which are available as hardback print books and as freely downloadable PDFs:
Gábor Alberti and Tibor Laczkó (eds.) 2018. Nouns and Noun Phrases. Volume 1 & Volume 2. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Direct links to OA download (click on “Download” or “PDF viewer”):
Katalin É. Kiss and Veronika Hegedűs (eds.) 2021. Postpositions and Postpositional Phrases. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
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Zoltán Bánréti (ed.) 2022. Coordination and Ellipsis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
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to appear:
Verbs and Verb Phrases
Finite Embedding
Adjectives and Adjectival Phrases
Non-Finite Clauses
Sentence Structure (Volumes 1 & 2)
Review of Postpositions and Postpositional Phrases
The research leading toward the publication of the volumes and all other volumes of the Syntax of Hungarian in the Comprehensive Grammar Resources series was supported by Grant No. 100804 from OTKA, the Hungarian National Research Fund. The publication of the volumes is further sponsored by Grant No. 120073 Open access book series on the syntax of Hungarian from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office.