How prosody shapes word order: An integrated interface-based approach to the post-verbal domain in OV languages
Financer institution: Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal
Principal researcher: Balázs Surányi
The postverbal field of languages with Object-Verb (OV) basic order often described as belonging to the “verb-final” type is under-researched, despite the fact that these languages show a rich variation in how strictly verb-final they are and what constituents they allow to appear after the verb. The project supported by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund will enrich the currently fragmented empirical knowledge in this area, aiming to explore the limits of relevant variation between languages. The languages studied were chosen to represent the broadest possible spectrum of linguistic variation. Our aim is to better understand the influence of prosody, both independently and in interaction with information structure, on the structure of the post-verbal domain of OV languages, and through this on the shaping of syntactic structures in human language more generally.
Duration: 2020-2024
Participating researchers