Dániel Z. KÁDÁR

Dániel Z. KÁDÁR


research group leader, research professor

Institute for Language Technologies and Applied Linguistics

My research focuses on pragmatics, in particular the areas of pragmalinguistics and sociopragmatics. I have special interest in the study of Chinese and English language use and their contrastive study. My research areas include linguistic politeness research, interaction ritual, language aggression, intercultural pragmatics, and the strictly language-anchored study of foreign language learning. I am Ordinary Member of Academia Europaea and one of the Editors of the Brill Journal Contrastive Pragmatics (www.brill.com/jocp).





+36 (1) 3429372 / 6082





+36 (1) 3429372 / 6082

Dániel Z. KÁDÁR

Prof. Daniel Z. Kadar is an internationally leading expert of pragmatics. He is Research Professor at the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. He is Ordinary Member of Academia Europaea – the European Academy of Sciences – and he holds a British higher doctorate (Doctor of Letters) in pragmatics. In the Research Centre, he is affiliated with the Institute of Language Technology and Applied Linguistics where he leads the Interaction Ritual Research Group. He is one of the Editors of Contrastive Pragmatics (Brill), one of the Section Rditors (pragmatics) of Wiley Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, and one of the Editors of the Edinburgh Studies if Pragmatics. He is board member of various internationally leading journals, such as Journal of Pragmatics. He has published various monographs with Cambridge University Press and other outstanding publishers, as well as many journal articles in D1 and Q1 journals, such as Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics and System. His latest books are Cross-Cultural Pragmatics (with Juliane House, Cambridge University Press, 2021), Ritual and Language (Cambridge University Press, 2023), Expressions, Speech Acts and Discourse (with Willis Edmondson and Juliane House, Cambridge University Press, 2023) and Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Foreign Language Learning (with Juliane House, Edinburgh University Press, 2023).

Dániel Z. KÁDÁR

229 results
229 results
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel, Liu Fengguang, Zhang Li, and House Juliane. 2025. Flattery in historical China: A pragmatic perspective. PRAGMATICS 2025, 1 Paper: 10.1075/prag.24076.liu: 1.
House, Juliane, and Zoltán Dániel Kádár. 2023. Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: A Special Issue Dedicated to Willis Edmondson: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel. 2023. Ritual and language. PhD diss.
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel, Parvaresh Vahid, and Marquez Reiter Rosina (eds.). 2021. Alternative Approaches to Politeness, special issue of Journal of Politeness Research 17(1)
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel, and Juliane House (eds.). 2020. The Pragmatics of Ritual: special issue of Pragmatics 30 (1) John Benjamins
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel, Fengguang Liu, and Juliane House (eds.). 2020. Chinese Media and Political Discourse(s) – Politeness Perspectives: special issue of Discourse, Context & Media 35, Elsevier
Kádár, Z. Dániel, and Vahid Parvaresh. 2019. Language Aggression and Moral Order(s)
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel (ed.). 2019. New Vistas in Chinese Politeness Research, special issue of Acta Linguistica Academica
Haugh, M, ZD Kádár, and S Mills (eds.). 2013. Interpersonal Pragmatics In: Journal of Pragmatics Vol 58. Elsevier
Kádár, ZD, and Y Pan (eds.). 2012. Chinese Face and (Im)politeness: Journal of Politeness Research Vol. 8/1
Bargiela-Chiappini, F, and ZD Kádár (eds.). 2011. Institutional Politeness in (South) East Asia: Special Issue Journal of Asian Pacific Communication Vol. 21/2
KÁDÁR, Dániel Z. 2007. 考察近代漢語有禮和無禮稱謂用語的對話解釋. ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES 11, 3: 1–20.
Kádár, Zoltán Dániel. 2003. Research Report–A Pragmatic Analysis of the Polite Self-denigration System of the Vernacular Chinese Language

Dániel Z. KÁDÁR

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