Theoretical Linguistics PhD

For students

Az órák helyszíne: HUN-REN Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont (Budapest VI., Benczúr u. 33.).

ELTE BTK – HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics

1068 Budapest, Benczúr 33 Benczúr St, Budapest, H-1068 
Phone: (36-1) 342-9372/6016

Zoltán Bánréti

chair of the Theoretocal Linguistics PhD Programme

Kinga Gárdai

senior academic administrator
tneqnv.xvatn@alghq.uha-era.uh vagy tneqnv.xvatn@ogx.rygr.uh

Theoretical Linguistics PhD


The Ph.D. programme in Theoretical Linguistics is part of the ELTE Doctoral School of Linguistics. The doctoral candidate is expected to work within a theoretical framework that allows the exploration of the principles and rules that determine the nature of a language, or of natural language in general. The traditional main branches of theoretical linguistics, including phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics form the core of the training, but the doctoral candidate may also work on the relationship between linguistics and another discipline (e.g. philosophy, literature, mathematics, logic, phonetics, cognitive psychology, sociology, computer science).

Application requirements

For the admission to the Ph.D. programme, applicants are required to have an MA degree in any subject, not necessarily in linguistics, in addition to a basic working knowledge of linguistics. They also need to demonstrate the ability to carry out independent research.

Proficiency in English is required, and knowledge of a second foreign language is also recommended. The application must include a professionally justifiable research proposal. 

In all other respects, the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Humanities at ELTE are applicable.

Theoretical Linguistics PhD

19 results
19 results

Permanent faculty employed by ELTE

Éva Dékány
senior research fellow
Beáta Gyuris
senior research fellow, chair of the TLP
Péter Rebrus
senior research fellow

Permanent faculty from HUN-REN NYTK

András Márton Baló
research fellow
Zoltán Bánréti
research professor emeritus
András Komlósy
senior research fellow
Mátyás Lagos Cortes
junior research fellow
Katalin Mády
senior research fellow
Miklós Törkenczy
research professor

Our professors who shaped the programme since the beginnings

Ferenc Kiefer (1931-2020)
member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Regularly invited lecturers

Zsuzsanna Bárkányi
senior research fellow
Ekaterina Georgieva
research fellow
Tekla Etelka Gráczi
senior research fellow
Ildikó Hoffmann
senior research fellow
Anna Lovas
junior research fellow
Bálint Sass
senior research fellow

Senior academic administrator

Kinga Gárdai
senior academic administrator